John Wilson

Founder, Chief Information Officer

John brings over 35 years of experience in Corporate America. Bank of America, Hewlett-Packard and Sprint are some of the companies where John has been honing his technological and business acumen. But beginnings are never what one expects. A racquet sport enthusiast, John envisioned a career on the tennis courts after college but this was not to be. A serious injury forced John into the Information Technology field and he never looked back! Initially working as a consultant for his entrepreneur father, John began in the Hospital/Medical industry before moving on his own into Accounting/Finance, Insurance, Networking and finally Mortgage Banking where he gained considerable business and IT knowledge while managing billion-dollar revenue streams for some corporate giants.

Management experience notwithstanding, John had the opportunity to build and setup smaller IT shops, invaluable experience when joining or forming a small business. In between, he co-founded a small software company specializing in providing office automation products to Insurance agencies where he was the chief engineer/designer. This gave him the small business compliment to his big business experience. For more than 40 years, when not working, John has devoted considerable energy to promoting and teaching various sports including tennis, badminton, special Olympic golfing events and chess.

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